This lunchtime I went to the Thoughtful Studio to have a portfolio visit with James and Stuart. I showed them some of my pieces and asked for some feedback. Obviously I could have asked that via email but it is always better when you talk to companies in person to get a more personal response. This ensures you can completely explain your ideas and what you wanted to communicate.
I think I came across well in the meeting and to start with Stuart told me that they were impressed with what they've seen of my work previously. They mentioned how well and mature I came across in presentations and how I seemed to explain myself well. This was very kind of them to say but also a great boost in my confidence before I presented my work to them this time.
VH1: I started by explaining my ideas behind the VH1 and what I wanted to show with the piece. They really liked the piece and told me that they liked the way it was done and at first they thought it was a mixture between real footage and maya work. I told them how I have redone the lighting to make the whole piece lighter. James disagreed and said he liked the lighting and it went well with the materials and the distressed look of everything. They both thought the music went well with the piece and really summed up the channel. The only thing they really suggested was maybe putting a foot in with the pedal.
E4: I showed the guys my ad that produced for the D&AD brief and they were very impressed. They liked the fact I hadn't just used 3D and stuck with that. They understood how hard it is to organise people and get locations which to film in. They thought the piece showed the guilty pleasures thing well. They also mentioned how good it was that I included the purple theme throughout the piece. All in all they respected my organisation skills.
Threat Of Exposure: After the E4 add I showed the guys my title sequence. I explained the brief and the plot. They understood and were impressed with my ideas and how I showed that in the piece. At this point Stuart asked me what my influences were for this title sequence. He mentioned Kyle Cooper which I agreed with using Se7en as an example. I also told them about Delicatessen which they saw the connections between. The only criticisms they had with this piece was that they suggested I filled the wall with newspaper clippings and didn't just have a few. They also agreed with Chris Hardcastle and thought I should distress the desk and the wall objects more to make them look like they've been torn out, creased and well used.
After speaking about this we spoke about how I would improve as I'am only a second year. We spoke of combining live footage with the 3D elements. This has made me think more about what I want to do for my final major next.
DO Lecture: To finish with I showed them the work I am currently working on to their brief. This was the intro and outro for the DO Lectures online web lectures. They were very impressed with what I had produced and they really want me to continue with the idea and maybe incorporate a strap-line and music as well as the natural sounds in the background.
After talking about my work, we were talking about their future projects and future work. I enjoyed hearing their ideas and how they are going to go about their next projects. I look forward to seeing how it turns out and seeing what they do in the future. I will be heading up to see them next year to see what other projects they get and their plans on how to tackle them.