Thursday, 29 July 2010
The Corkscrew, Rob Higgs
The Nutcracker (Eden Project), Rob Higgs

Wednesday, 28 July 2010
JDO Competition

Buried Trailer
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
The Mysterious Explorations of Jasper Morello
Also winner of the Grand Prix award at the Annecy Animation Festival, Jasper has also won the top honours at the Canadian Film Centre's Worldwide Short Film Festival, Best Animation at Flickerfest 2005, Best Animation at the Sydney Film Festival Dendy awards and Best Animation at Toronto worldwide shorts.
The Lady and The Reaper, Kandor Moon
Nuit Blanche, Spy Films
In this piece like the typical start of the city and the way it panned down to street level before entering into this slow motion dream state. The way it was shot reminds me a lot of the slow motion footage from Watchmen. The camera positions for the falling glass and the walking through the window are in interesting places which ensure there is a lot for the audience to take look at and take in. If you took still images from these camera angles they would be beautiful in themselves and that really appeals to me. Having frames that could be stand alone pieces (like below) really shows the quality of the footage / animation you have got / produced. And yes... unless you have not guessed I am a fan of Noir.
Making of Nuit Blanche, Spy Films
Make sure you also watch this, it's great!
The Cags, Alexei Petrov
War on Tetris animation
Some More Calero Stuff...
Alternative Wolverine Covers, Dennis Calero