Wednesday, 27 January 2010

How You Feelin? Childline

I saw this ad on TV the other day and it immediately caught my attention straight away. This is target audience that they are aiming for so this is proof it is a successful piece. I think the projections on to the walls work well and sync well with the voices of the children.

There is something happening all over the screen and by having the guy on the bike ride through proves that it has actually been done and filmed. The piece portrays a typical urban landscape which is where Childline is probably associated the most. I thunk this ad will reach out to children of all ages and get the message across that Childline want to know how you are and that they are here to help.

Compared to any other ads I've seen by Childline in the past this is the most prominent and the one that will change their image and make them more accessible to children in the UK.

Fight Club Meeting

When looking into help groups and meetings for my E4 brief all I could think of was this clip from fight club. Its a typical layout of a meeting with a ring of chairs and everyone sharing their problems. This could be an ideal layout for the meeting featured in my idea. Also by setting it up this way I wouldn't need to explain what it is as people would make the connection themselves.

Something I would have to consider tho is the lighting though because with the dark lighting in this scenario its conveys a sinister and depressing feeling to the whole scene. Mine will have to be brighter as it is light hearted and comedy rather that dark and depressing.

Monday, 25 January 2010

Snail E-sting

This is a 3D animation David Ellis of Sendmelive created for E4. They let them produce anything they wanted so they decided to create this piece. Work done in 3D MAX and Fusion. The animation is not brilliant but he has used E4's purple throughout to keep their theme running. Its fast paced and keeps the attention of the observer.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

E4 Second Chance Sunday

This is an advert for one of the previous successful E4 sub-brands which was mentioned in the D&AD brief I have chosen. It's for E4's "Second Chance Sunday" which is obviously a second chance to see something you missed earlier in the week. This ad just consists of using a clip from one of the programs shown and has not really been produced to advertise the event itself. This is therefore not something I can produce as my piece has to be bold to attract the viewers. The brief mentions that viewers often media stack while viewing their channel so it is important that i can catch their attention and direct their focus to my ad.

E4 idents

These are the idents used on E4 which all won awards for TV brand identities in the D&AD awards. These stand out from any other idents which are on TV at the moment. The purple is a key connection between them all so I should maybe include that in my ideas that I produce. Its like having the logo running throughout the clips.

This is an artical posted on

A new E4 presentation package debuted on Monday December 10 2007. Design company Noah Harris created five new idents for the channel.

The idents combine live action, stop motion and CG. The traditional E4 logo is rendered in a number of ways, some of them very different from the original. Each spot also features a small yellow toy pig - because "yellow is the colour opposite of the logo's purple" and because it "somehow reflects the channel's identity", according to the designer, Noah Harris.

E4 senior producer Jason Delahunty said the new idents "needed to have longevity" but "retain something new for the viewer each time".

The five idents transform a typically British scene - such as a barn, a beach hut or a hotel - into a "deranged E4 space" where the "weird and wonderful colourfully unfolds".

"We wanted something that reflected E4's personality - beautifully random, joyously daft and generally not taking things too seriously," said Neil Gorringe, creative director, E4.

E4 Front room ident:

E4 Barn ident:

E4 Bedroom ident:

E4 Beach ident:

E4 Loading Bay ident:

WASH logo animation

When looking through some idents I found this piece which i thought was good exploration of colour and particles. Its short but crams a lot into a small amount of time. The piece develops through time, its starts with the drop which produces the reaction the creates the word "wash". I like the was the "wash" is emphasized by the white background before the word explodes and expands to a black blank screen.


This piece is about a man who drinks too much and  ends up finding himself trapped in an MC Escher type maze which is controlled by CCTV camera watching his every move. I love the way this is animated. It uses a series of simple textures that create a very stark and minimal looking location as not to distract from the story line. I just stumbled across this on the Computer Arts website and it reminded me of where I started in art as MC Escher was one of my first influences. Even though there is no speech in the piece I think it communicates the "trapped" message well with a good twist at the end. 

Budget: None
Production Time: Six months
Software: PhotoshopAfter Effects and Maya.