Thursday 8 October 2009

300 end credits

Anyone that knows me knows that i love silhouettes and Frank Miller's Sin City. This is a good combination of the 2. This is Frank Miller's 300 end credits that is 2.5D. I like the way the camera moves through the animation. The transition between silhouettes is really cleverly put together. The camera rotates around the layers slowly revealing the 2D images. Because of the use of space the composition is really well balanced, between the black and white and the different hues.

The end credits tells the story you have just seen but it still manages to captivate the audience. This is closer to the novel and therefore shows the link between the 2. This reminds me of an animation I found that won academy award winning shorts in 2005. It is called the The Extraordinary Explorations of Jesper Morello and i will be putting up a post about that shortly.

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