Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Tess Gerritsen's Keeping the Dead Ad
This is the book trailer for Tess Gerritsen's Keeping the Dead which I looked at when creating my title sequence. Some of the camera angles I tried to replicate such as the close to the glass jars shot. The mood in this piece is great and sets up the scene in an ideal way. By the end of it you want to know whats happening as the suspense builds up the whole piece. From this I thought dark lighting would be key and good use of shadows was ideal for my sequence.
Body Farm, Channel 5 documentary
This is a clip from a documentry that was on channel 5 a while ago. When researching into my title sequence and looking into the writer Simon Beckett I found this clip on the Body Farm and forensics. I found it interesting when looking into script writing and it helped me come up with the story I created for the piece. I thought that the connection between photography was very strong and wanted to push that forward but I also wanted a unexpected twist.
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
VH1 Ident
I decided to use a series cut-to cameras to keep the animation fast paced and in time with the music. The idea is that a guitarist is setting up to play the main riff to the music in the background but he is not seen as the focus is on the instruments and not on any band or musician.
The final piece has come out slighly darker than I would have wanted so I will change the lighting and rerender for my final portfolio.
The Usual Suspects - Noticeboard Scene
This scene was my main influence for my title sequence piece. It is from a film called The Usual Suspects which I saw a long time ago. This scene has stuck with me for a long time and is one of my favourite scenes of any film. It is the scene where all the pieces of the film come together and the puzzle is complete. I don't want to spoil the film for anyone so suggest you watch the whole film rather than just the clip I have posted. This scene is of a noticeboard that has a load of information on it. I love the way the camera darts about over it all revealing curtain bits of information. This is exactly what I want to achieve in my title sequence. The audience will feel like they are discovering something and it will make them feel intelligent before entering the program and new drama that awaits.
Waking The Dead Titles
When making my title sequence I looked at this title sequence as well as other crime dramas to try and create a similar mood. Obviously I didn't want to create something exactly the same but audiences react to this kind of title sequence and know what to expect. This is why I need to be able to attract the same audience so there need to be some conections between the pieces. This sequence does a good job at showing the names of the people involved but not really of setting up the program. I really wanted to focus on the setting up of the program and he story telling aspect.
Threat of Exposure
Motorstorm E3 2005 Trailer
This is the first piece of animation I thought of when I was thinking of first person/helmet cam. I first saw this in 2005 when my uncle had just got the game for his PS3. I remembered there being more on board footage but I can remember how good I thought i was at the time. The HD quality really made it seem more like it was real in car footage. I don't believe 3D is for this brief but it's just another example of the type of shot i would like.
First Person Karting
GoPro HD HERO®: Sample Headcam Footage
For this new DO Lectures brief I thought first person footage would be great to use to create montage. The montage would include sports of all kinds combined together as an inspirational sting to get up and get active. I also thought the DO Lectures logo could be dotted around the footage on clothing and equipment.
Production Of Interactive Feature Spread - iPad Demo
This shows the methods gone through to create the interactive feature in my last post. It shows how the greenscreen was used to transform a still photoshoot into a moving one. I look forward to seeing what they can produce in the future and see if this is the road design companies start to go down. As shown in the piece, publications such as the times have already started to develop this. I think its only a matter of time. The bandwagon will be overflowing once the big guns get involved. From newspapers to TV guides its all going to change in the next few years.
I love the concept that VIV have come up with. A purely interactive magazine that is ideal for onscreen, smartphones and interactive pads. I do believe that this is the way graphics is moving and in a short space of time a lot of it will become interactive based. I'm not saying that type and layout is of any less importance as it is now I just think as the times continue to change so will the Graphic Design industry.
VIV Mag Interactive Feature Spread - iPad Demo
"Together with co-directors Cory Strassburger and Ming Hsiung, we produced a motion magazine cover and feature spread for Viv Mag - an all digital magazine, which would allow us to create content that will be able to live on the iPad and other tablet devices where digital magazines can live." Alex Henry
This looks like the future of magazine design. Or at least I hope this is. this is fantastic. I love it. The cross between 3D design and the After Effects editing. I know this particular piece is surrounding the idea of "sex fears" but the way the piece is put together is brilliant. The noir style of the whole piece is very close to older graphic novels such as Will Eisner and Frank Miller. This is done in a very similar style to Frank Miller's Sin City when it was made into a feature film or The Spirit which was made shortly after.
As for the ipad, I was struggling to see the point in a blown up version of an ipod touch but looking at this it could be a whole new generation of interactive material and an ideal presentation tool.
Friday, 19 March 2010
Exit Through The Gift Shop